"An average person uses 5% of his brain in his lifetime" —Albert Einstein. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth" —Jesus. (I have stated those two sentences as near to each other because they both have a built-in convenience: how nice and accommodating for the proponent that neither one can be proven.) Then, in terms of how the leadership of the earth beats us over the head with their vested interests we have the statement, "It doesn't matter what you say; it's how often you say it" —Abbie Hoffman. And in terms of the totalitarian mind, "The bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it" —Adolf Hitler. And continuing in this vein, the average German soldier captured at the end of World War II would tell his captors that Poland attacked them and (thus) began the war. Jesus said that "All things are possible to him that believeth," but from Einstein we have "Blind belief in authority is the enemy of truth," and it has been my observation in life that reality and truth are God, and if you aren't very careful about where you tender your belief you will be nothing more than a tool to the establishment, a sheep in the program of shepherds and sheep begun by the first secret societies of Akkad and Sumer. And lest we think that this is somehow in the past or the problem belongs somewhere else, I am not content to leave this off without saying that the average American voter still thinks that they do have some say-so in the election process; and some still think that there are men buried in the concrete of Hoover Dam.
I went for a coffee yesterday, told the woman behind the counter I wanted two cream and two sweeteners in it and she immediately turned to another and said one cream and two sweeteners. The day before, I bought a newspaper using a twenty and had to give a dollar back to the lad as he had undercharged me by that much. The common people can be viewed from the perspective of Otto, the main character of the film Repo Man, when he said, "Yeah, well I don't read them books." About one billion people believe that some guy walked on water and about another billion think that another guy ascended up through the seven heavens on the back of his horse. "Hey, did you hear the one about the lady who put her miniature poodle in her microwave?" Vincent Bugliosi wrote a large book that, for the most part, agrees with whatever the Warren Commission said. He is not alone: I know of a teacher with a master's degree who thinks that Oswald was the man. (Anybody remember Treasure of the Sierra Madre? "Evidence? We don't need no stinkeeng evidence.")
We have been and are in a time when the biblical "Sons of Darkness" rule. Reality is seen as bad, something to flee from: go to a movie, get a bottle, smoke a joint, exercise, have sex (but you'll be BAD if you do). Truth is unattainable for most people: There are many on the Internet and on Television and on Radio who are paid to lie, muddy up, obfuscate and make it impossible to discern with normal human senses what is real here. In the place of a search for truth we are offered an emotional tirade; both sides yelling at each other, reminiscent of the two kids on South Park, "Why don't you go back to San Francisco with all the other Jews?"
"There aren't any Jews in San Francisco!"
There are provocateurs and fake anarchists at demonstrations, paid to get violent so the cops can beat up the peaceful protestors. About 99% of spokespeople and news reporters are told what to say and then they say it. They are non-sexual whores. There are evidences of flying saucer technologies being (at least) explored by the Nazis toward the end of World War II; there are no evidences whatsoever that tie the sightings to other dimensions or worlds. The evidences presented by engineers concerning 9/11 lead us to believe that the buildings were brought down by the use of explosives for a controlled demolition…the news outlets won't go there. The burning of the rain forests continues apace; species of plants and animals go extinct every week, overpopulation of man strips the earth of natural resources: nothing of this is covered in the news anymore. Now add Fukushima: flight crews are starting to feel the effects of the extra radiation; the whole of the Northern Pacific might very well become a giant dead zone, but the average person doesn't have to be concerned, nor does he want to be; he is content to live in ignorance, dumbness, and stupidity.
Some believe that the moon landing was faked. Some believe that the moon landing was genuine. According to NASA the monuments of Cydonia are mere tricks of light and shadow. But some people see the mathematical connections and understand them as real, being manufactured by an ancient race. However, the point of all this litany I am engaged in is to point out that in an age of darkness, in a time when darkness reigns supreme its proponents and servants win when an atmosphere of discord and aggression in controversial stances is the norm (without any ending achievable). When the storm is done, when the yelling stops and people forget what the fuss was about, the vile, most-evil scum at the top will INVENT new issues to argue about. The heart of divisionism beats here. And it is a paradox, a conundrum that has people in a state of confusion: "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Now step outside the box, and think: Christianity has scores of sects that disagree vehemently as opposed to each other and yet the whole mess has been standing for many, many centuries. It is also in the nature of paradox that, when we all stop believing the myth of the end of the world as written in the Bible, when we stop believing the boy who cries wolf then it is quite possible that the wolf will come.
There's a trash picker in town, a dumpster diver who is sure that he knows everything that is worth knowing. Taking his place alongside the arrogant radio preachers, Earl has it all figured out: as long as a front of anger, aggression and the irrationality of the "True Believer" is maintained, the truly dumb and stupid can find a wonderful world of Disney's Fantasy Land to live in.
To maintain the power of darkness, high levels of fear must be maintained. This is where many of the dire warnings (projected lies, really) of the Bible come into play. The fear/rumor mill helps: in boot camp we were scared of that square-needle-in-the-left-nut shot that we'd been warned about, and of the saltpeter that was sure to make our penises all flaccid for life.
Learning requires mistakes. In a universe where there is as much positive as negative there is no way to learn without sin. For the most part it is best to learn from other people's mistakes but, sorry to say, that cannot be done for everything. The way in which monotheism (not just Christianity) seeks to move people to the dumbness and stupidity of darkness is to remind them of all their missteps and require of them a lifetime of wallowing in repentance with no end in sight. Learning becomes too dangerous so it's best if you just stay away from it, unless it is authorized by an establishment that uses it as a tool.
Not everything in The Scriptures is a lie: the animals of Ezekiel's wheels go out and then they return. To learn you must step outside of yourself, return with the new that you have garnered, and then you must internalize it, incorporate and digest (that is, if you want to transcend the lying, emotionalism, and darkness).
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