On the road to a resurrection of the technologies and the religious mindset that constituted the united body of the ancient knowledge of Osiris maybe the best way to open the door is to present something that will lead to the usage of the human-invented ninth crystal of ice.
As I began to work at an electronics factory producing chemical test metering equipment I was thrown for a loop to find out that there was such a thing as semi-conductive glass. The classes that I had attended in the US Navy had never mentioned such a thing but I found out that the pH probes of one of our meters was made of this, so I embarked upon a self-imposed study program. Not that I discovered other uses for semi-conductive glass but I did learn that the process of semi-conduction was made possible by certain areas of influence within the material, termed cations (positive) and anions (negative). Then, not being satisfied with that, I considered that if the overall glass could be made to be biased in one direction the possibilities existed for diodes and transistors as well as solar energy collectors. I present this as an idea for further research. Anyone wishing to carry this out further could experiment, placing melted, semi-conductive glass in a magnetic field and (or) a capacitive field and then cooling it to harden, after which, tests can be conducted to see if a bias has been formed.
Capacitors can be used to store energy. A repairman is taught to keep one hand in his pocket while troubleshooting any high powered electrical equipment, and short to ground all significant points he can find even as it is turned off. Working with one hand, at least, will help to prevent any circuit through the heart if zapped by any stored energy, but sometimes – apparently for no particular reason – the tech can still be hit with juice that is stored in capacitors within the equipment.
Capacitors are easy to build. All it takes is two plates insulated from each other, one connected to the positive and one side to the negative circuit. And, they can be very inexpensive to fabricate: a person could collect empty soft drink cans, cut off the tops and bottoms and then make a slit up the side. The resultant plate could then be pounded flat. On the longest edge farthest away from the worker one corner could be cut off and the other corner away could have a small hole punched in it. The plate to plate insulation could be provided by something as cheap and simple as two sheets of scrap newspaper with a thin layer of lacquer sprayed between the plates and the paper. The plates would be alternated (hole left, cut corner right, then cut corner left, hole right, etc.) and then pressed together. A braided copper wire would be strung through the holes, left and right, and then a crimp would be made every three plates (or so) so as to provide a connection between plates and copper wire. Then would come testing so as to verify good insulation; and then the finished capacitor could be placed in a plastic tub snugly, perhaps with insulating "peanuts" around it, and then a lid fastened on.
This is not high tech; I can see small cottage industries, no more (necessarily) than large garages working to make these capacitors. I wish to draw the reader's attention to the desert areas of the world. These have some places perfect for solar and wind energy conversion systems. And in specificity, since I am writing this in the American Southwest there are sites excellent for this idea, in particular the Indian Reservations.
Besides rapid energy loss, when compared to chemical batteries, there's a problem associated with capacitive storage in that, when you tap into it the output of electric energy wants to come out like lightning. I know that this has been tried; the technology of making voltage and current regulators using present day silicon components can make the overall system prohibitive in cost. That's why I started this paper out be referring to semi-conductive glass. I believe that the engineers need to think along that line for a while (and, while I'm at it, not just by wind or by solar energy collectors but also by the solar steam generation of electricity, as being demonstrated in the Negev Desert).
Aluminum is not a very good conductor but in household applications the stored energy doesn't have to be tremendously efficient, and with the low cost of the capacitors it could still work well enough. Even if the electricity is drained at around sunrise each day the electricity provided would be a boon to many people in desert areas of the world. (See the book Small Is Beautiful.) Regarding finance, small, low interest loans could be made to individuals (or co-ops of multiple units) here in this area, from Tribal Finances. The installation and maintenance of this technology would give rise to another regional economic boost and should serve as another incentive; the training of people to perform the fabrication, installation and maintenance can be viewed as another positive in terms of further education.
THE SECOND IDEA: A few years ago I became fascinated to learn of Professor John Hutchinson's experiments. As a former Radioman this kind of field, using frequencies to bombard base materials, is right up my alley. ("There is nothing in the universe that can't be understood in terms of vibration and frequency." –Nikola Tesla.) When I heard that there were two tech-reps from Washington that visited the Canadian explorer my ears perked up, but one was interviewed on Coast to Coast AM and said that while it was true that the strange outcomes could be arrived at using the professor's methods, they (themselves) could not duplicate; it appeared that the mind/brain waves of Dr. Hutchinson were affecting the outcome.
At this I bristled: couldn't they see that the point of the thing was right in front of their faces?
I wrote the professor and asked him to record his own brain waves as a successful demonstration was being carried out. I reasoned that, if played back remotely, the same desired outcomes could be achieved. And then I went (perhaps) much further than any man of science would be able to consider: I sought to direct him to one of the greatest problems of mankind on this earth, the fact of the buildup of nuclear waste; and with this in mind I requested that he obtain some of that waste, mix it with ordinary dirt and then subject it to the bombardment of frequencies that were part and parcel of "The Hutchinson Effect." Okay, probably nothing would happen, but since I believe that human brain waves can be used to modulate other frequencies it's at least possible that a guild of people could be trained to neutralize this dangerous waste.
The scientist's normal reaction (like a scalded cat): Oh My God! Weird Science! Get out of here!
He replied with three words, "Who are you?" And with those words, communicated that without a standing in the scientific community I was a nothing and a nobody and (of course) he would not take action on anything I recommended.